

The three Billy goats story

The three Billy goats story This is the story of three Billy goats,little Billy goat,middle sized Billy goat and Great Big Billy goat,who lived in a field in a green valley.They loved to eat sweet grass and in the distance they could see a field that was full of lush…

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Amigo invierno

¡Amigo invierno! La clase de los gatos hemos notado mucho frío en los últimos días y resulta que ¡¡¡ha llegado el invierno!!! Para darle la bienvenida hemos decidido decorar la clase con unos carteles muy chulos utilizando como material el algodón. Y después de esa actividad tan divertida, decidimos crear…

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It´s snowing

IT’S SNOWING! Winter is coming to our classrooms. We have been working with the tale «Froggy gets dressed» and with it the snow. We have been experimenting how to make different types of snow: small pieces of paper, cotton, spray…. We have had a great time! Even though in our…

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The winter is here

THE WINTER IS HERE The winter arrived and the snowman came as well! The penguins and the chicks had a lot of fun painting the snowman with their finguers and sponges. We worked the white and red colours. Hope you like it.

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WINTER! The cold has arrived and with it the snow to our class. We play with the snow, made a beautiful snowman… We love to learn playing!

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our friend the snowman

Hi daddies! As we are in winter, today we decoreted our friend the snowman! We have taken cotton and we have been sticking it in his body. We are great artists! Hola papis! Como ya estamos en invierno, hoy hemos decorado a nuestro amigo el muñeco de nieve! Hemos cogido…

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Do you know this story?

Do you know this story? This is a beautiful story of a red-faced caterpillar that one Sunday morning hatched from an egg and began to look for some food.He ate increasing quantities of fruit on the following five days: one apple,two pears on Tuesday,three plums on Wednesday…by the end of…

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Una visita muy real

UNA VISITA MUY «REAL». Hace unos días vinieron al cole SS. MM. los Reyes Magos de oriente. Entraron en nuestra clase con sus largas capas y cargaditos de regalos. Nosotros, en agradecimiento, les cantamos villancicos y les dimos un besito. Algunos de nosotros, además, les dijimos al oído todas las…

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Taller de cocina – hemos hecho un ratoncito

TALLER DE COCINA. Esta semana, los alumnos del segundo ciclo, hemos hecho un ratoncito. ¿Cómooo? En el video lo podŕéis ver. Bueno os lo decimos …., con quesito, aceituna negra, salchicha y cebollino. Lo hemos pasado fenomenal. Os encantan ls talleres de coina, son super creativos.

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Once christmas is over

Hello families!! Once christmas is over… We have started many activities with a lot of energy!! We are in winter and we wanted to symbllize and represent the snow in our class, so, the squirrels have made some snow in different colors… red, blue and yellow. It’s fantastic… Isn’t it?…

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