

Playing with babies

This week Dolphins, Squirrels and Snails have been playing with babies, we were washing different parts of their bodies. It was a funny way to practice body vocabulary and also some hygiene habits like: wash your hands, comb your hair, and brush your teeth…

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Escenificamos un cuento

La clase de los Delfines se ha convertido en pajaritos. Mediante este cuento vivenciado y gracias a nuestra imaginación, nos lo hemos pasado genial en la montaña. ¡¡A volar alto pajaritos!!.

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Taller de ciencias

Muy calladitos, estamos todos con los oídos muy abiertos para poder discriminar los sonidos que producen los distintos vasos según la cantidad de agua que contiene cada uno.

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The Circuit

We have a great time during the circuits performed in the playground: we crawl through the tunnel, jump like kangaroos inside the rings, stroll through the Swiss bench…..and many other things we utilise other days. What a fun time we have!

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