

Happy Mother´s Day

We love our mummies and we have a special present for them because they love and take care of us. Look at the door,mummy! It is for you! Have a happy mother’s day!

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We like singing Baa Baa Black Sheep

Hi families! Today we have created black and white sheeps while we were listening to the «Baa Baa Black Sheep» song. With black circles we have made the wool and then we have put them together to create the sheeps. We also have drawn the heads and the legs. Now…

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Los pollitos y los pingüinos cuidamos la naturaleza

Hola familias, en clase cuidamos la naturaleza! Con la llegada de la primavera, queremos inculcarles el valor del respeto y cuidado hacia la naturaleza. Para ello, utilizamos nuestras flores de primavera y cada día se encargan unos pocos de regarlas. Les encanta «darle agua» a nuestra plantita, cada día está…

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