

Finally we are in spring

Hello everyone! We are very happy because finally we are in spring! We are ready to grow up like the spring flowers. We hope you enjoy with our song. Bye, bye winter, see you next year! Kisses!

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Ya es primavera

¡¡¡¡¡¡ Ya es primavera !!!!!!! En la clase de los soles tenemos una planta que estamos cuidando entre todos. Nuestras seños nos han dicho que para crecer les tenemos que  dar agua y les gusta mucho el sol. Por eso hoy nosotros hemos preparado una planta para llevarla a casa…

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Leasure and fun

Leasure and fun! Look our little ones enjoying in the playground. They enjoying with the bikes, with the slide…It’s true that they love it! 

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At the grown-ups classrooms

Hello everyone! At the grown-ups classrooms we have been learning about the food and plsying bingo to make it even funnier. Also, as we already are big kids, se manage perfectly to not to get angry if we do not win. Playing along is just as fun! Have a nice…

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Excursión a Vialdea

Excursión a Vialdea. Qué bien lo hemos pasado!. Comenzamos el día subiendo al autobús que nos va a llevar a Vialdea. Una vez allí hemos almorzado para empezar con energía todas las actividades programadas. Cómo hemos disfrutado!! Hemos subido en moto, en coche, vivenciado un día de bomberos, etc..Estamos entusiasmados…

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Spring Letters

Spring Letters Spring is a great time to explore nature with children and we have made a lot of activities based on the bulbs,blossom and young animals. We have learnt is one of the four seasons and comes after Winter and before Summer. Spring is a symbol of rebirth.Here you…

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