
ANIMALS!  Hello again! This has been a very wild week because we have been dealing with vocabulary of animals. We have played with toys, we have done some posters and looked at some flashcards to see different sizes of animals. The tale «Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?», and its song, have been…


Vialdea Last Friday we went to road education in Vialdea. There we learned to drive motorcycles, cars, bicycles…on the road. It was very fun! In addition we learned the colours of the traffic lights, the crossing lines…But the most important thing was that we made two new friends: policemen and firefighters. We had a great…

Senyor pirotècnic

SENYOR PIROTÈCNIC… Ja han aplegat les falles a les nostres aules! No hi ha millor manera de celebrar que les han declarat patrimoni inmaterial de la humanitat que berenant xocolate! Hem aprés una poesía fallera i diferents elements de la festa valenciana per exel’lència: pinta, falleres, monument, mascletà, himne… Els més menuts s’ho han passat…

Our carnival

OUR CARNIVAL Hi again families! This week we have celebrated carnival during three amazing days. This has been possible thanks to the parents’ cooperation, our kids have had lots of fun thanks to their effort. On Wednesday we wore a mask from the cartoon «Paw Patrol», on Thursday we wore a complement related to superheroes:…